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     Just a friendly reminder that our lobby is still closed so we have no indoor seating. We do have picnic tables in our grass area though! :)

    Menu for the K-9's
    We do not suggest feeding the Ribs to your dog as they can splinter and cause internal damage.
    We are so excited to offer some fun things for the pups!!! 
    Three French Bullgod Puppies


    Bacon or Whip Cream

    One Piece of Delicious Bacon that we are sure that your pup will LOVE! Or We Have a Dollop of Whip Cream!  


    Puppy Patty or Puppy Hot Dog

    One Delicious Patty! Or One Delicious Smoked Hot Dog Cooked Perfectly for your Pup!


    Puppy Platter

    2 Pieces of Bacon, One Puppy Patty (or Hot Dog) Topped with a Dollop of Creamy Whip Cream! 


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